Sunday 30 June 2013


Good News, everyone!
Photo credits to my little sister
 This is the most beautiful moment which I have, and I would like to share with all of you :)
My whole family and my love flew to China, Shan Dong ( love's hometown) for holiday and visited his family, plus an engagement celebration purpose. Actually I wasn't expecting any proposal because both sides of family had already decided for us.
Just in case you wondered about the engagement celebration. In his hometown, holding an engagement celebration before official wedding dinner is different as only close relatives and friends are invited. This is "confirm" our marriage.  Additionally, men and women have to sit at the different table. ( why? I don't know. Gender power I guess? ). But I love the "Women Talking" with my new future relatives. Despite there are quite a bit of cultural difference, I am very glad that communication is not a problem for us. Thank god for Mandarin and my travelling experience in China.
In case you wonder, if there's a video...
Here you go!

I will be posting more of my photos here! :)
And updating beauty posts!
Love life!

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