Wednesday 5 June 2013

What's your Blood Type? : Health Talk

Have you ever been trying to lose weight and resulted in losing energy and gaining all back again?
I have recently came across a chinese newsarticle, covering on the topic on losing weight efficiently by knowing your blood type. I can guess it must be related to feeding what your own body needs, your own body!
So I decided to share with all of you, and you can decide if this works for you. :)
For Blood B Type:
Eat more red meat, lesser chicken.
According to a local nutrition expert (孙达达士), Lectin which is found in chicken and pork is not suitable for B type blood.
If you would like to control your weight, should try to avoid corn, sesame, peanut, wheat and lentil seed.
By having red meat ( lean meat), this can increase the metabolism, which help to burn fats more.
For Blood A type
Due to your gastric system is very sensitive and weaker, should avoid meat and dairy products.
The only suitable meat encouraged to be consume is seafood.
If you would like to lose weight, have to consume loads of vegetables , beans, pineapple.
Avoid diary products, kidney beans ,wheat related food and especially fresh meat.
For Blood O Type:
Digestive system is very strong, and very suitable to consume meat, but need to avoid bean related food.
If you would like to maintain healthy body, you can have seafood,salt, brocolli, animal organs.
Foods like wheat, beans, cabbage,seaweed do not provide sufficient forms of nuitrition to your body.
For Blood AB Type
Due to the mixture of A and B blood type, very suitable to have variation of food.
Encouraged to avoid red meat and corn.
If you would like to lose weight, consume more tofu, seafood, diary products, seaweed and pineapple.
Avoid bean related food and wheat.
This is all I have summarised from the article.
What do you do think about this article?
Health is the greatest wealth!
Good Luck!

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